Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Splashing Colors

Flowing Colors, also oil paintings called Splashing Colors, is an innovating, unique oil painting method. It is difficult to confine oils in water to construct the desired shapes. Many artists had attempted to take command of free flowing oil, but could not control oil paints to the point where an image was formed with precision.

They could only make hand-painted oil painting but not object paintings with shapes or details. The Flowing Colors method accomplishes this. The method daringly fuses painting oil and water, using water to control the colorful painting oils, flowing the two resisting elements onto wet paper/canvas.

The oil and water are mixed yet repelled each other, separated yet commingled together, opposed yet supported each other. The subsequent effect is the ability to form accurate images plus desired colorful dynamics, to express the powerful depiction of high mountains, flying clouds, rolling water, soaring tidal waves, and precise figures cheap oil paintings. The marriage of water and oil, an unthinkable combination, brings images rich in color, vibrant in lights, sophisticated in fullness and emptiness, and an abstract yet classic form of painting.

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